The World is Alive!

            “Many Indians have told me that the most basic difference between Western and indigenous ways of being is that Westerners view the world as dead, and not as filled with speaking, thinking, feeling subjects as worthy and valuable as themselves.” 

–Derrick Jensen

The World is Alive! Photo by Michael Fertig.

Isn’t it interesting that as we become more civilized, we surround ourselves with more things that are not alive? Continue reading

Foraging and Eating Wild Edible Plants: How to Begin

By Nicholas Tippins

Wild edible plants are healthy, fun, and free. If you live in an area where plants are not treated with chemicals, there’s no reason not to get started today.

Don’t I need to be an expert at plant identification before I can forage and eat wild foods?

The short answer: no. Chances are you already know and can identify wild edible plants. Can you recognize a dandelion? If so, you’re already on your way to becoming an expert forager.

False Solomon's Seal/Maianthemum racemosum Photo by Leslie Seaton
False Solomon’s Seal/Maianthemum Racemosum. Photo by Leslie Seaton

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